Monday, December 31, 2012


It has been repeated several times and perhaps asked by many preachers and pastors the big “why” question… Why do you come to church? Why do you give your life to someone that you have not seen but whole heartedly believe that they are the reason for your healing and the rites to an eternity in heaven? You may have been asked also, what are your expectations for coming to the house of worship?

As I continue to walk and trying to understand teachings about Christ and Christianity, I cannot stop finding and discovering how the power of God unfolds Himself in the several teachings that we encounter day by day!

On Wednesday December 26, 2012 I experienced yet another teaching to one of the  questions asked, what are your expectations... Info was sent out to members of City of Praise and the masses in general about a “feet washing and crossing over to 2013 ceremony". I happened to be attending the service that day.  Before the ceremony the Pastor, usually referred to as the Apostle Judah Praise Martin, was careful in laying the foundation of what this ceremony meant. The scripture that he referenced was  John 13-1-38 but I will stop at verse 14 for the purpose of this reading. 

Image from google search feet washing
13 It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.
The evening meal was in progress, and the devil had already prompted Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, to betray Jesus. 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”
7 Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
8 “No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
9 “Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”
10 Jesus answered, “Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. 13 “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.

Now Jesus in all humanity washed His disciples feet and  instructed them to do the same one to the other. Pastor went on to say that he was just following the instructions that Christ first asked His followers to do. Pastor continued to say the feet washing was not a religious practice as usually signified in other denominations or viewed by other religious fanatics but rather it was a “spiritual initiation” into being a part of Christ and identifying with His teachings and attributes.

Feet washing as it relates to the Passover or crossing over when done gives you the right to if you believe to “Passover every trouble, sickness, pain, frustration and more” adversities of life that one might be faced with. If you believe your feet becomes covered with spiritual iron and bronze shoes as indicated by the pastor backing it with the verse from Deuteronomy 33:24-25. Shoes that will give you the strength to bruise the head of the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy, Romans 16:20 Feet washing when done is like humbling yourself therefore under God’s mighty hands that he may lift you up in due time. 1st Peter 5:6

Image from google search feet washing
All this was on Wednesday and we all had our feet washed and I was very interested in the topic and wanted to know more about this subject matter that I found intriguing. On my curiosity hunt, I discovered that this practice has long existed in the Old Testament before Christ did it. People who had traveled from afar when they came to their destinations the servants of that traveler’s host would wash their feet as gestures to welcoming, acceptance into their household etc. Leaders in the Catholic Church would do it during the week preceding Easter and the English royalties did this up to the 1700 to poor people before they give them gifts. 
In modern times although still practiced but rarely it has become a romantic ceremonial attractions in weddings were the couples believe that this signifies their commitment to each others love as well as service as in the context of the biblical service that Christ did for His disciples. Than it all became clearer to me why Pastor would call it a "spiritual initiation". For when Christ did it and Christ being God, He was truly setting the course for us to understand that this was a cleansing of a sort that when believed and if one had an expectation he or she definitely deserved to be a part of Him. Hence being a part of Christ and following His will and instructions for your life, you begin  to experience a "crossing over", "passing over" of all the issues that have held you from fully experiencing God's love for your life, abundant healing, and hope for a life in eternity. 

Image from google search feet washing
 I could not stop thinking about the subject matter the rest of the week till now. Now Sunday 12/29/12, one of the ladies that took part in the ceremony stated to the congregation via a testimony that on wednesday the day of the feet washing ceremony, she’d come with an expectation to have her feet washed knowing that it was not pastor that was washing the feet but it was Jesus that was playing the role through pastor. Per her words, she had been experiencing swelling in her leg as a dancer.  When she’d gotten the notice about the "feet washing and crossing over ..." message she came believing that the feet washing would heal her. Evidently she  was the first in line for the ceremony. When she went home she stated it was later the same night that she told her roommate to come and see how the swelling had disappeared. How amazing! I thought as I sat and listened. She requested a prayer that the healing would be permanent and members of the congregation stood and  joined the pastor to pray for her.

I know that we all may still doubt and wonder why some practices are still existing but I wrote this to encourage us doubting “Peters” the bible will remain the bible, it’s teaching and every story that comes with it was written by the divine inspiration of men used by God.  What changes sometimes are the renewed revelations that come as men of God try to find meaning to its vast mysteries and teachings. I love to think that the concept of a “ spiritual initiation” was a unique revelation that came to the Apostle Judah Praise Martin from the Holy Spirit. It is by the gift of the Holy Spirit we come to know and understand the mysteries of God. We just have to have our own expectations, know the creator we serve, trust His teachings, study His word, avail ourselves  and most of all give our lives to Him whole heartedly that He may begin to show us His mighty works.

I do also pray for the sister to have a total healing! I strongly believe because she had her expectation cut out prior to the "feet washing ceremony..."God stepped in on her behalf.

Catherine K.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


How powerful can prayer be?  James 5:16-18 declares, "…The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops." God most definitely listens, answers, and moves in responses to our prayers.

Image from google search, prayer....
Why do we pray? What is prayer?  Prayer means communication, an appeal, a plea, and a desire. In the simplest personal analogy of prayer, it addresses God about the desires of our heart, and acknowledges Him for His presence in our lives, Prayer allows us to communicate with God, as He wants us to on a daily basic. Most important Prayer allows us the ability to convey our outmost appreciation to our Heavenly Father, God for His many wonders, love and mercies toward us! Seated atop His throne, He awaits the click of the key in the door, a passage into His holy sanctuary where His children whom He has called, will humble themselves and come to Him and pour out their hearts through prayers at any moment of their lives. A heart that will profess, own up and acknowledge that He is able, He is capable, He is enough, and He wants to hear from us. The power of prayer with all sincerity of the heart opens the Heavens and instant results are seen, felt and evident to our eyes. A prayer with all humility and total surrender quickens God’s steps to meet us at the point of our needs.

Image from
Luke 22:39-46... "Jesus went out as usual to the mount of Olive, and his disciples followed Him. On reaching the place He said to them pray that you will not fall into temptation. He withdrew after a stone throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed. Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; let not my will but yours be done. An angle from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him. And being in anguish He prayed more earnestly and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. When He rose from prayer, He went back to the disciples and found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation"…New International Version (NIV)

The power of prayer... Key components of these verses are, willingness to pray and instant results. Are you willing to let go and let God be God in your life; are you willing to allow Him to take your burdens, your cups full of the pain of this world as you lay them before Him? Are you willing to let His not your will be done concerning your life.  Can you fully trust Him to help you make a final decision to stand for what is right and stick to it? A decision that Christ made at the mount olive “ take this cup from me, let not my will but yours be done” A decision that quicken God’s response to meet Jesus at the point of His needs. A decision that caused instant help and strengthening by the angle sent by God to Him…

Image from google search choice...
Decision is the initial step to making the choice to pray to God because you trust Him to answer. A choice that says in all firmness I will leave my issues at your feet Lord, I will leave that habit that is not pleasing to your will for my life, I will have victory over all the things that will hinder my relationship and quest to understand you God. If you make the decision to choose His will He will grant you the power to experience the wealth of knowledge about Him God via the gift of the Holy Spirit which He deposited in His children in the upper room and now you because you believe. The disciples believed Christ therefore they followed His instructions. Are you desperate enough to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and the gift of the Holy Spirit God gives you when you believe to guide you? 

Lets reflect back a bit, God’s real plan as always been to communicate  with man directly. During the Old Testament God would come in the cool of the evening to talk with Adam and Eve. But after they where deceived by the serpent and cast out to the garden of Eden, God's communication with mankind became less direct with Him talking to man through His prophets. In the fullness of time, God came down in the flesh as the son Jesus Christ, to live and dwell with mankind teaching them about the truths that will keep them form straying far from Him. He loved us enough to make this sacrifice!  He came to give us yet another opportunity through the spilt blood of Christ to rekindle our direct relationship with Him if we believe and choose to follow Him. To further this notion, when He died, rose from the grave and was leaving for the heavens, He left us with the gift of the Holy Spirit that we might individually have a relationship with Him. The moment we choose God and we start to follow in His will we start to feel His presence and that which we feel is the Holy spirit, God Himself present in us. For it has always been and will be God’s will for us to not perish but have everlasting life.

After you Have made the decision and your determination starts to settle in, then the tempest comes your way…But when the tempest come and you are truly a child of God, He will give you the power to overcome.

1 John 5:4-5... "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God..." New International Version (NIV)

When the tempest comes, you will be able to say, the devil can tempt me but he cannot compel me! The devil can tempt me but he cannot persuade me! The devil can dangle his bit in front of me but he will not force me to eat it! He will try to trick me into thinking I am being left out but I will change my focus from what is in front of me to who is inside of me! I will turn my focus to God from where cometh my help to overcome, I will start to plead the blood of Jesus, I will start to pray my way out because pray is the Key! That’s the power of prayer. All I need is the God living and dwelling in me!

To conclude the power of prayer can take you to:
2 Samuel 7:18 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: “Who am I, Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? “ …''You have brought me this far." God has not brought you thus far to leave nor forsake you. Neither will He give you more than you can handle. The same God who has authorized your birth is faithful and just to help you as you build you trust in Him.
The power of prayer can take you to a place in 1 Samuel 2:1 where you can rejoice like Hannah Then Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the LORD; in the LORD my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance. 
I delight in your deliverance this is to say that without doubt, with all confidence, God will deliver you from your enemies ridiculing you as long as you stand fast in prayer and supplication to Him.
The power of prayer takes you to Genesis 25:21
 where Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The Lord answered, the Lord responded to his call, the lord took action on his behalf when he prayed for his wife and he answered, the Lord replied and met him at the point of his need!
The power of prayer once more will take us to the upper room along side the disciples Acts 4:31 After they had prayed, the place that they where meeting was shaken and they where filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly!

He did it for His own son Jesus; He did it for King David. He did it for Hannah He did it for Isaac, He did it for his disciple He can do it for you because you are His child and are joined heir with Christ when you made that decision to make Him your personal Lord and Savior. When we start to change our focus to pray, communication with Him we gain a deeper and personal relationship with Him, The evidence of His presence in us starts to radiate and mankind starts to see and know the Jesus residing in you. Believe me you they will throw you a few punches just to see if you have really changed or they may say a whole lot in front of you or behind your back. What matters most is God has given you the opportunity to overcome through prayer and sublimation to Him. As you do pray the Holy Spirit gives you the teachings and guidance you need to strive.
Always remember what James 5:16-18 declares …."the prayer of a righteous man is more powerful and effective". Hannah, Elijah, Isaac, David where all man like us but when they choose to align their lives and will to God, and He stepped in on their behalf.
  •   May God step in on your behalf!
  •   May God order your steps in the quest for whatever your needs are!
  •   May God find you worthy to release and entrust the gift of the Holy Spirit   as you make the choice to follow him.
  • May you read and reflect on the messages that will give you the opportunity to communicate with God effectively. For when you cry to God in your troubles, and distress, when you trust him to follow his instructions, in the ciaos of the storm His whisper will be enough to calm the wave. Be glad than when you pray by trusting in Him to guide you to your desired havens. Amen

Prayer points
Lord help me to tap into understanding what the power of prayer can do that I may not be just a sounding gong following the crowd of people who pray. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Lord help me to request my petitions and not be anxious to get answers from you. Your answer may be now, it may to be tomorrow but I trust in you to hold on.  I trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit that will grant me guidance and the strength to stand in there, I believe that is why I pray thus. In the name of Jesus, Amen.  
Like David in Samuels, Let me with all confidence know that you have brought me thus far and you will not leave me nor forsake me.  I believe thus I pray. Make it personal. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 
1 John 5:14-15 tells us, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him."  Hence I want to encourage you that your days spent praying are not wasted  days. God Bless You! God Bless You!

Catherine K.

Friday, November 23, 2012


             Revelation 12:11
 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. 

Image taken from google search "overcome"
The month of November was declared by my pastor at the Judahfire Ministries International- City of Praise as a month of overcoming, I want to believe that when he was choosing the month it was perhaps due to transition or hurdle we have just crossed over as a church body leaving a house of worship we embellished from scratch to another space that we do not have full access to but still have the opportunity to worship God twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays.
The unique thing about the word overcome is how it’s parallel to the month of November I find. As I meditated on the word it give me deeper understanding of its roots. Overcome is two words that form a compound word, joined they become a verb and a verb indicates action or a state of being. Hence as one word, overcome holds a strong relationship not just with the English grammar but spiritually. Spiritually overcome is how you defeat social, emotional and physical stressors of life. It is how you triumph over unforeseen situations because of the relationship you have with Christ. Spiritually   the action of overcoming is the reaction you get from deep within  that results in the outward expressing of  emotions of joy especially if it was a situation you agreed that no one but God intervened for you. It is a feeling that is indescribable to a reader but can be understood by someone who shares the same faith with you. It is a feeling where you have an aha moment with God and say I knew I could trust you!
Separating the two words Over means several things like greater than, above, resting on top, end etc. My favorite of these I choose is “end”.  I choose end because when God ends a matter on your behalf, when God chooses to restore you for His own glory, no man can stand before you and say a word because instead of spreading the bad report they will start to say, if God can bless that prostitute, murderer and more He can truly change my own circumstance, He can truly help me to overcome my own issues as well. Come means arrive, draw closer, approach…but I like “moving towards”

Having defined these separate words, together overcome means something has ended and you are moving towards a new awaking of God’s truth in you. Overcome means we have gone from a place of thinking that we can build the church on our own fundraising abilities, to a place where God is preparing that we will do His work without any strain. Overcomes means you triumphed over the action He took on your case. Finally Overcome means you agree with God that He has delivered you “by the blood of the Lamb” and He has given you the authority to proclaim His goodness via the “word of your Testimony”

Image taken from google search
 "Christ overcoming the grave..."                      

Now lets determine how it relates to November. Throughout the year till this November 2012 God has showed Himself mighty on our behalf giving you the will power to stand despite the many obstacles and hurdles you encountered. As we are moving into the month of December it was a perfect and profound declaration for November to be the month of overcoming because as we reflect and thank God for his many blessings December soon comes around to enlighten us of the birth of the sacrificial Lamb. It was by that Lamb’s blood shed on Calvary that you and I if we choose to believe are made whole and created new in Christ. Jesus Christ the Son of God is the sacrificial lamb that was slain in death to redeem us from our transgressions. God loved us so much to do that for us! Because Christ died for us and did not stay in the grave, He overcame death and it was not the end of him because as God He did this for us to show us that we are also more than conquers if we choose to believe and follow the truths of His words. 
Christ redeemed us that we may also be over-comers.

But who is an over-comer?  An over-comer is someone who conquers a problem. An over-comer is someone who wins despite the odds or obstacles that are at stake in their lives. An over-comer is someone who defeats the enemy. An over comer is someone as pastor usually puts it “God brought them from nowhere and placed them somewhere”. The best of all these definitions of an over-comer is someone who has an undeniable faith and trust in God to complete that which He said he would do if we cast our cares upon Him. Lastly  an over-comer is one who believes that Christ is the center of their lives helping them to prevail over the undesirable circumstances of life.

Are you an over-comer? Think about it, how many times God has intervened on your behalf. How many times have you acknowledged Him for intervening on your behalf? How many situations you’d found you were able to get through without realizing how? How many?

Image taken from google  search "overcome"
When we overcome we share our testimonies with others to strengthen their faith in Christ. By doing so we build their feeble confidence and reliance in God. When we testify of Gods goodness we fulfill not only the scripture of Revelation 12:11 but we also build upon the move of God working endlessly to remind us of His reliability and unfailing love and quest to see us enter His Kingdom someday. 

Tell someone the good news of how you overcame and shamelessly proclaim God’s goodness in your life. For as you do so, you honor God with your lips. However be mindful that your heart is right with Him as you testify that the truth of your testimony will tough the heart beat of God Also.


      Catherine K.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Self-Study image of Tim Carson vocal coach
It has been nearly  2 weeks since I attended the Vocal Artistry Workshop hosted by Tim Carson a rising leader in the art of  “Voice” and understanding it’s vast abilities in the realm of singing.  I was invited to this experience by the Contemporary Worship Director o f the Wooddale Church in Egan, Minnesota. Noted for  having a master’s degree from the Northeastern Illinois University of Chicago in “Voice”, Tim travels the nation providing services to individuals, music groups, worship leaders and the vast majority that would deem his services necessary to push them in the direction of achieving their goals vocally.

It was a cool breezing evening of October 26, 2012 with temperature in the 40’s when I pulled up in the rear of the Park Ave United Methodist Church located in Minneapolis the host church space for the workshop. As I pulled in the parking lot, a maroon truck would pull along side me. Out stepped a nicely built 6ft or more fellow along with a kid that I would come to know was his. I watched from my car as they walked into the doors ahead of me. Thinking out loud, I said to myself, this has got to be the presenter judging from the photo I had seen of him online.

Tim Carson, vocal coach picture taken at Park Ave
United Methodist Church, MN
I gathered my stuff and would enter the same doorway. Atop a short flight of steps, Tim was setting up and getting things out on the table, brochures, nametags, etc. I greeted him offering some help as well as asking to whom I needed to pay for the workshop. He responded he had help on the way and he would take the payment. During our brief interaction we would establish that he was the speaker/teacher of the workshop and had petty talks of where he was from and how often he hosted such workshops. Fascinated by the presenter, the stuff I had read about him on the net give me the thought to ask his permission to blog my experience first hand of his workshop. Yes, I did and the permission was granted.

Tim was later joined by a few helpers who relieved him of his duties. Of these helpers, two stood out in their approach in personality. They where the perfect pair in greeting folks as they came in the same way I did. One was a music/praise dancer of the host church who in conversing described her ministry as “unlike music that comes form your lips, dance is the movement we give to God in praise”. 

Alexis on right with her Aunt, image taken at the Park Ave
United Methodist Church. Greeters at the "vocal Artistry..."
workshop hosted by Tim Carson, vocal coach
She was with her niece whose bubbly personality and a great sense of humor placed a smile on the attendee’s faces as they continued to the meeting area. Alexis I came to know her name would hilariously point people in the direction they needed to go as she thanked them for signing up. She was definitely a greeter that I wouldn’t hesitate to hire for any or such events.

Finally seated in the second pew facing the doorway, we started our journey through Tim’s nicely designed booklet titled “ vocal Artistry Sing with freedom, strength, expression & style”. We explored themes such as "neck tension, jaw tension, lip/face/cheek tension, Larynx tension" (a term new to my ears that referred to the your vocal box), "tongue tension" and etc. Now who would have thought that my tongue can have tension worth paying attention to that could affect my ability to sing? Who would have thought that a simple massaging my jaws daily would help to relax the surrounding muscles hence increasing my ability to export my head and chest voices? Who would have thought? Tim would spend the next hours relieving me of my thoughts.

I can tell you the fact Tim’s knowledge of his craft was incredibly unnoticeable. He fluently used the terms expressed above with ease and defined them well enough that the untrained ear or brain would absorb the information without having their head explode in the process. He also used a candid approach in classifying himself as a “dork” in the line of work that he was sharing with us. A “dork” to me was an understatement, but I got it with a smile. Between each term there were physical exercises that went with them. They seemed easy and fun when he demoed them but certainly not to be taken lightly when I tried them. He assured us that 3-4times a week with 30-40 mins sections in front of a mirror would take us a long ways in the desired effects we want with our vocals.

He also threw in tips such as adapting to different styles of music helps to expand our versatility as artist as well as create depths, tune and texture as you sing. One useful styles of music he suggested/recommended that learners as well as vocalist should use as it is helpful in running skills is classical music. Another method he pointed out that I resonated with is the self-study approach to building styles.  He said to find a singer or stylist that stands out to you. When you do find that great singer, study the way that they sing. Try to copy exactly as they do. Record yourself and match yours up with your stylist. Periodic repetition of this process once more helps you to communicate vocally as you unleash your fears and freedoms through singing/music.

The workshop was truly a blessing and it was definitely worth un-regrettable pennies spent. It was for two days. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the full hours of day two because I had rehearsal with my own team at the Judahfire Ministries International-City of Praise Church located in Brooklyn Center Minnesota. However, what I gathered from day one and part of two, will remain memorable as well as helpful in my quest to understanding this new me as a praise/worshiper and road to self study vocally. I couldn’t also wait to share with my team the new knowledge I’d just acquired about what comes with the physical act of singing.
I tearfully thanked Tim on day one and told him that he would be my own vocal artist someday. Who said you can’t believe anything. With perseverance and God’s grace…

Thank you again Mr. Carson for bringing your workshop to Minneapolis!

Catherine K

Friday, October 19, 2012


Mathew 11:28-30

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. For I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and by burden is light.

A yoke is a bond that keeps us CLOSE to God a yoke is our link to God.  Although no analogy can really describe who God is, the simplest has been that  of an egg and it’s three components, which we often describe as the Godheads, father, son and spirit they are intertwined as one.  God is giving us the opportunity via the verse in Mathew to understand that we as His children can share our burdens with Him for we are His and part of His creation moreover intertwined because "we are a products of His image" as my pastor often phrases.

He doesn’t want you to carry it on your own. He needs you to come and receive that rest that He describes in the scripture. A rest that is defined as a freedom from anxiety as well a place where we can depend on Him. For when all things and all hell breaks loose around you, the men or people you depend on or look up to slowly drift away leaving you often times hopeless and vulnerable to the snares of the masses.

But today, or where ever you find yourself, God is saying "come to me with all your burdens" not 1, not 2, not ½, not a ¼, but ALL of your burdens!
Psalm 55:22
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

In times when the tides are evidently high around you, when the masses and people you trust betray you and are finding a reason to tear you down, break you and drag you beneath the depths, in times when choices in life has landed you in situations that seem unbearable, in times when a hope in a career paths landed you in a place not of your choice and you are questioning why... you need to make a conscious effort to reach to our King of Kings and Lord of lords. This is when you need to keep our prayer communication charged to defeat the snares of your enemies(self, spiritual, and physical enemies). This is a time wherein you need to make a conscious effort not to allow your anxieties make you a victim of your circumstance. 

A man walks into a restaurant and sits at the lightly dimmed table. Tired from his day and thinking on the next steps to take on how he would tell his wife, a stay at home mom that a deal on a merger for their business had failed causing them to loose thousands of dollars. Deep in thoughts he looks at the menu and randomly chose an item that was pleasing to his eye. When the seemingly delicious food 
was placed before him its steam rose in the ray of the light reflecting on the table…for a brief moment he forgot his worries as his mouth watered at the dish. He took the spoon said a silent prayer and took a heaping bite. E-e-e he choked with regrets he grabbed for a napkin that was spurled across the table and spit the food from his mouth…

What does this mean, we often place orders based on what we feel like or what the menu looks like sometimes at the restaurant without us really knowing what the food is going to taste like. At the end when it is not good we forget to remember we were responsible for the orders. We asked for it and it was given to us.  

We often as Christian, place demands on God due to what we may be feeling and not what He wants for us. When we find solutions that are pleasing to our eyes and are satisfied in our own judgment we think it is God who has answered. But have we really thought is this what you want for me Father(God).

Too many hasty choices at pivotal moments in life leave us feeling like the regretful person who placed the wrong order without realizing it would be taste like sour grapes to his mouth just because it was pleasing to  the likes of his eyes.

At the point you find ourselves trapped, lost , pondering on what the next steps should be in your life…you need to ask God, What do I need to do now. Please guide me in every decision I have to make least I place the wrong order. 

Instead of worrying about drowning in the depths of the seas, instead of worrying about what others might be thinking, instead of looking for solutions that our eyes deem necessary, We need the Light of Jesus to guide us in the direction the God says is necessary for us to experience His glory. We have to be still and know that He has taken over our burdens. If you allow God for His own glory to take on your burdens, and conceal a matter on your behalf like proverb 25:2 reminds us, He God will allow you to experience a fragment of His splendor here on earth as you continue to uphold the truth of righteousness. Romans confirms this promise!

Romans 5:1-21
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. ...

A hope to experience God’s glory…  All God wants is for us to trust beyond all measures. Are we willing to say Lord not my will but yours be done? It is easier said than done right?  But the Same God who will not lie nor lead us stray will grant us the tools necessary to cope. The same God who granted the Israelites a right of passage at the red sea will give us the strength to cross over. The same God who gave David victory over goliath will give you victory over your situation!

Be strong and don’t get weary for you have God to depend on not man.  Jesus spoke to his disciples in Mathew, he said the harvest is ripe and the workers are a few. Ask the Lord of harvest therefore to send out workers into His harvest fields.

May the dedication in prayer  and obedience to God give you strength to continue to strive. For in your obedience, in your hope in him, in your endurance  you  will  be blessed as He promised in Deuteronomy.
“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl”.
Where you may have defaulted unconsciously in guiding your steps  in life, your ministry and or your family, friend, or a loved one,  may the Blood of Jesus pardon you and create a new heart of dedication and expectation for the work you have to do on yourself, your community, and ministries as you are called to do as His children. He is faithful enough to forgive us, cleanse us and give us all a fresh start.  May God bless you and us all as we rededicate ourselves to His work, life and ministries!

Catherine K.

Monday, July 23, 2012

A 10year old's view, "Listen to God"

Carmen Ashley Taylor holding the green balloon. 
"Listen to God" was inspired by this young writer on a rainy 
day per her words as she sat in her room reading the Bible!!!

I can’t stop shaking my head in amazement still, So here it is as promised as typed by my  10year old niece. Unedited!  I hope that this will truly inspire you all.  You see sometimes it takes the wisdom of a child to teach us some things about Christ, creation and how we should live as believers.  She reminded me that it doesn’t matter who you are.  God can use anyone regardless of your age or geographical location.   I am reminded as I post this blog of the young king in the bible that God appointed as king over Judah.  Without further projection on the matter here is  “Listen to God By Carmen Ashley Taylor.

“Did you know that God is are savior?
He died on the cross just for us so all are sins could be washed away. He was the man who created Earth, Heavon, and hell. He was the man who separated male and female. He had chosen people to make a bible so it could explain his powerful message that can change peoples lives forever. Peter one of gods closest friend wrote some facts in the bible like for example above all. 
Many peoples lives have been changed since they have accepted Christ as the lord and savior. Being a Christian isent as simple as it seems. You have to act like a Christian ,Have a mind like a Christian ,and know from right to wrong. You have to worship no one else but god himself.

Do you belive in miracles? So do i. Lets go back in the text to see how many miracles have  hapend time to time. When God came down to earth he healed an old man who couldent walk,and healed a blind woman who couldent see. In Pauls own words he said I can do  all  things through Christ who strenthenghs me.

SIning is a bad thing . It dosent please god to see his creations do things they are not supposed to do. In fact sining is a very devilish thing to do and I wil hate it if I were yu.Forgiving one another is a very important thing to do.Infact if you don’tforgive one particular person then god wont forgive you. You have to let go all the things of  they have said or have done to hurt you.