How powerful can prayer be? James 5:16-18 declares, "…The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops." God most definitely listens, answers, and moves in responses to our prayers.
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Why do we pray?
What is prayer? Prayer means communication,
an appeal, a plea, and a desire. In the simplest personal analogy of prayer, it
addresses God about the desires of our heart, and acknowledges Him for His
presence in our lives, Prayer allows us to communicate with God, as He wants us
to on a daily basic. Most important Prayer allows us the ability to convey our
outmost appreciation to our Heavenly Father, God for His many wonders, love and
mercies toward us! Seated atop His throne, He awaits the click of the key
in the door, a passage into His holy sanctuary where His children whom He has
called, will humble themselves and come to Him and pour out their hearts
through prayers at any moment of their lives. A heart that will profess, own up and acknowledge that He is
able, He is capable, He is enough, and He wants to hear from us. The power of
prayer with all sincerity of the heart opens the Heavens and instant results
are seen, felt and evident to our eyes. A prayer with all humility and total
surrender quickens God’s steps to meet us at the point of our needs.
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Luke 22:39-46... "Jesus went out as usual to
the mount of Olive, and his disciples followed Him. On reaching the place He
said to them pray that you will not fall into temptation. He withdrew after a
stone throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed. Father, if you are willing,
take this cup from me; let not my will but yours be done. An angle from heaven
appeared to Him and strengthened Him. And being in anguish He prayed more
earnestly and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. When He
rose from prayer, He went back to the disciples and found them asleep,
exhausted from sorrow. Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray so that you will
not fall into temptation"…New International Version (NIV)
The power of prayer... Key components of these verses
are, willingness to pray and instant results. Are you willing to let go and let
God be God in your life; are you willing to allow Him to take your burdens,
your cups full of the pain of this world as you lay them before Him? Are you
willing to let His not your will be done concerning your life. Can you fully trust Him to help you make
a final decision to stand for what is right and stick to it? A decision that
Christ made at the mount olive “ take this cup from me, let not my will but
yours be done” A decision that quicken God’s response to meet Jesus at the
point of His needs. A decision that caused instant help and strengthening by
the angle sent by God to Him…
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Decision is the initial step to making the choice to
pray to God because you trust Him to answer. A choice that says in all firmness
I will leave my issues at your feet Lord, I will leave that habit that is not
pleasing to your will for my life, I will have victory over all the things that
will hinder my relationship and quest to understand you God. If you make the
decision to choose His will He will grant you the power to experience the
wealth of knowledge about Him God via the gift of the Holy Spirit which He
deposited in His children in the upper room and now you because you believe. The
disciples believed Christ therefore they followed His instructions. Are you
desperate enough to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and the gift of the Holy Spirit God gives you when you believe to guide you?
Lets reflect back a bit, God’s real plan as always been
to communicate with man directly. During
the Old Testament God would come in the cool of the evening to talk with Adam
and Eve. But after they where deceived by the serpent and cast out to the
garden of Eden, God's communication with mankind became less direct with Him
talking to man through His prophets. In the fullness of time, God came down in the flesh as the son Jesus Christ, to live and dwell with mankind teaching
them about the truths that will keep them form straying far from Him. He loved us enough to make this sacrifice! He came to give us yet another
opportunity through the spilt blood of Christ to rekindle our direct
relationship with Him if we believe and choose to follow Him. To further this
notion, when He died, rose from the grave and was leaving for the heavens, He
left us with the gift of the Holy Spirit that we might individually have a
relationship with Him. The moment we choose God and we start to follow in His
will we start to feel His presence and that which we feel is the Holy spirit,
God Himself present in us. For it has always been and will be God’s will for us
to not perish but have everlasting life.
After you Have made the decision and your determination
starts to settle in, then the tempest comes your way…But when the tempest come
and you are truly a child of God, He will give you the power to overcome.
1 John 5:4-5... "For
everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome
the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it
that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of
God..." New International Version (NIV)

conclude the power of prayer can take you to:
2 Samuel 7:18
Then King
David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: “Who am I, Sovereign LORD,
and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? “ …''You have brought
me this far." God has not brought you thus far to leave nor forsake you. Neither
will He give you more than you can handle. The same God who has authorized your
birth is faithful and just to help you as you build you trust in Him.
power of prayer can take you to a place in 1 Samuel 2:1 where you
can rejoice like Hannah Then Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the
LORD; in the LORD my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for
I delight in your deliverance.
I delight in your deliverance this is to say
that without doubt, with all confidence, God will deliver you from your enemies
ridiculing you as long as you stand fast in prayer and supplication to Him.
power of prayer takes you to Genesis 25:21
where Isaac
prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The LORD
answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The Lord
answered, the Lord responded to his call, the lord took action on his behalf
when he prayed for his wife and he answered, the Lord replied and met him at
the point of his need!
power of prayer once more will take us to the upper room along side the disciples
Acts 4:31 After they had prayed, the
place that they where meeting was shaken and they where filled with the Holy
Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly!
He did it for His own son Jesus; He did it for
King David. He did it for Hannah He did it for Isaac, He did it for his disciple
He can do it for you because you are His child and are joined heir with Christ when
you made that decision to make Him your personal Lord and Savior. When we start
to change our focus to pray, communication with Him we gain a deeper and personal
relationship with Him, The evidence of His presence in us starts to radiate and
mankind starts to see and know the Jesus residing in you. Believe me you they
will throw you a few punches just to see if you have really changed or they may
say a whole lot in front of you or behind your back. What matters most is God
has given you the opportunity to overcome through prayer and sublimation to
Him. As you do pray the Holy Spirit gives you the teachings and guidance you need
to strive.
Always remember what James 5:16-18 declares …."the
prayer of a righteous man is more powerful and effective". Hannah, Elijah, Isaac,
David where all man like us but when they choose to align their lives and will
to God, and He stepped in on their behalf.
- May God step in on your behalf!
- May God order your steps in the quest for whatever your needs are!
- May God find you worthy to release and entrust the gift of the Holy Spirit as you make the choice to follow him.
- May you read and reflect on the messages that will give you the opportunity to communicate with God effectively. For when you cry to God in your troubles, and distress, when you trust him to follow his instructions, in the ciaos of the storm His whisper will be enough to calm the wave. Be glad than when you pray by trusting in Him to guide you to your desired havens. Amen
Prayer points
Lord help me
to tap into understanding what the power of prayer can do that I may not be
just a sounding gong following the crowd of people who pray. In the name of
Jesus, Amen.
Lord help me
to request my petitions and not be anxious to get answers from you. Your answer
may be now, it may to be tomorrow but I trust in you to hold on. I trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit
that will grant me guidance and the strength to stand in there, I believe that
is why I pray thus. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Like David
in Samuels, Let me with all confidence know that you have brought me thus far and you will not leave me nor forsake me. I believe thus I pray. Make it personal. In the
name of Jesus, Amen.
1 John 5:14-15 tells us, "This is the
confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His
will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know
that we have what we asked of Him." Hence I want to encourage you that your
days spent praying are not wasted days. God Bless You! God Bless You!
Catherine K.
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