Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Moment With Dr.Bynum
There is a unique quality that comes with an anointed servant of God. The quality of which I speak is indescribable. It takes God’s hands upon His anointed one to make an impact on unbelievers. I was at the meeting of the “ Prophetic Nights with Dr.  Juanita Bynum”  held at the Christ International Ministries 12655 Laurel MD. This was an opportunity granted to me by my Senior  Pastor , The Apostle, Judah Praise Martin of Minneapolis. Arriving from Minnesota to  Maryland, we were exhausted from the flight that lasted from 7am to 245pm. However, we were eager to be on our way to the meeting to which we'd come. We ate and were on our way in a couple of hours to the church at least 30minutes away.  Not knowing exactly where to go, we landed at a gas station in close proximity to the meeting  as we talked to a passerby for directions as someone from the meeting  give us  verbal direction over the phone. Finally, 45mins into the meeting… we made in as the praise and worship was ending. Following the praise and worship were a few other things, offering, praise dance and the moment we all awaited…Dr Bynum’s presence in the room.

As she entered she  knelt before the chair that was prepared for her. A chair that was beautifully draped in green, yellow and blue Kentay cloth. She knelt there for what seemed like a brief moment of prayer and  got up steadily from her knees. Seated in the chair, she leaned into to her manager as if whispering specific instructions as she appeared to speak, he nodded his head in little up and down movements. Directly behind her sat  her assistant and the host pastor. She turned her head gracefully to the speakers with her hands folded in her lap as she waited to be announced to  the podium.

Rapidly a few of the men that seemed to be working on her team pulled out a table that she would use for the two days she ministered. She stood behind the table that was covered with a  white cloth. Atop the table were a notebook, a black bible, a laptop, a drink, perhaps water and a black cloth she would use to occasionally wipe the sweat from her face as the meeting progressed. She possessed  so much energy that one could not stay un-captured by her demeanor.  At times her  grace was so calm and collected, so soft spoken that it would take additional sensitivity to tune into what she was talking about. Other times it was the  running across the room  as the audience cheered in  response to her momentum and movement that she projected as she engaged with the word of God, audience and the space.

The humidity in the air was stifled with the lack of AC or enough open windows to allow the air to fluctuate within the space… despite the concern or lack of, the space was swarmed with people from all walks of life. Some seated on the floor or some having to use the overflow room to get  or hear a glimpse of the preaching. Amidst this airiness I was also drenched in sweat as  I tried to get as much mental recollection of what I was experiencing first hand at this meeting because photography and I-pad usage where limited at times.

The meeting was certainly a unique and powerful one. Dr. Bynum delivered some interesting analogies on  Ezekiel 47 and Isaiah 49. Although there where other scriptures that where touched on, these two remained prominent in my mind most especially Isaiah 49. This scripture truly demonstrates what Dr. Bynum’s life is about. I want to believe her faith in this scripture has earned her the title that  has shaped her existence. 

“International Empowerment Lecturer, Fueled by a passion for character building, life coaching and spiritual rejuvenation, Dr. Bynum merges spirituality with the practicality of everyday life. Her candid and revealing approach has engaged followers worldwide provoking them to pursue a lifestyle of integrity, success and happiness., she exhorts, encourages and empowers her listeners to reach their full potential in their personal, entrepreneurial and spiritual lives.” http://www.juanitabynum.com/#!vstc0=drbynum

She exudes an emblem of what the scripture states of her, A chosen one, formed in the womb of man to be God’s servant preaching the message of truth to the world without any compromise.

At this meeting she taught that she is not the TV land Dr. Bynum that folks are accustomed to seeing. She has been promoted to another spiritual level in which she hears from God .  Per her words  “33 years was devoted to man” and now, “God has her on a life support”.  Hence nothing she says now is something she has not heard from God. She did talk about a few things but one thing that resonated with me was “2012  is a year of supernatural and spiritual alignment from eternity” That this is a year and 7more to come where in Gods chosen generations would be blessed. Stating “ you got to get yourself ready to move with faith” because the “awe “ moment is coming when the one who believes in God or trust in Him or fears him will be blessed beyond measures. “Start counting from today” was her words.  This moved me because at my current house of worship Judah Ministries International, City of Praise, located in Minnesota from which I came for the meeting…we also got a prophecy through our senior pastor The Apostle Judah Praise Martin that stated “this year 2012 would be a year of dominion for the children of God.” For me that was a strong “spiritual alignment”.

Sometimes it’s hard not to put the flesh in the way and  question the truthfulness of someone so great or say have they become so full of himself or herself that they tend to start to think and do things their way rather than what is biblically sound or scriptural?  But something she said that seemed to erase my doubts  that were  evident in my pounding heart as I stood in that meeting… her words  “if a prophet come to you and tell you that “ I see you with a new car”… You should be asking what type of car it is , when am I going to get it… the point she was making was  too many believers have the tendency to believe in what prophets tell them rather then diving in to the word of God, trusting in Him and allowing Him God to give them the ability to  prophesy on their own lives…Now this was a moment of truth for me.  I could only sit in the meeting and cry saying to myself… Lord! Thank you for the opportunity to come and get a  renewed perspective on the fact that if I seek you, trust in you, fear you , you will like Dr. Bynum said “ I will bless you until you believe me”.

Christianity is not an easy walk and it did not take easy steps for Dr Bynum to come to this height. Persecution and perseverance were fundamentals  in my perspective that molded her to stay strong in the word of God. Understanding her maker  God, helped her to grab unto the promise of  Isaiah 49. Today this is why kings hail her and mankind are atone to the “Jesus that lives in her”!

The meeting ended on day two wherein the host honored her with flowers, a plague, a staff and some balloons after she walked on fabric spread before her feet as the audience celebrated her for her eminence contribution to the work of God that is prominent in her life.

Finally, doubting what she does or how she exalts would be a crime against God’s creation, which is she. Judging what she does would be like James wrote in the  4th chapter of the good book  “ do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him, speaks against the law…there is only one judge …who are you to judge” 

To hold this status in Christianity is to come to no terms with the world. It is a place of no compromise. That which my pastor The Apostle Judah Praise Martin often speaks about and reminded me of in our conversations about the meeting.  It is a place wherein the world does not exist accepts for having God
 in it!

Per Bishop McGoman her host, Dr Bynum canceled  her presidential suite and slept in the church after the first day of her message…Per her own words “ the spirit of the Lord arrested me and I had to be obedient to the word.”  How many of us are willing to be the sacrificial lamb  that would allow God to direct their paths as  Dr. Bynum does.

Hebrews 13:7 said remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider their way of life and imitate their faith. I would like to say that I believe  with all my heart that this encounter was not in vein. Whatever was spoken has been embedded deep within my mental capacity.  I cannot doubt for woe will I be as I am striving to grow in the things of God. I can only ask the Holy Spirit to teach me to appreciate the work of his hands through Leaders like Dr. Bynum. 

I was humbled by the experience and I hope that all who was at the meeting also had an encounter with the truth as it was told just as I saw and experienced it.

Catherine K.

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