Tips that praise and worshippers need to employ and teach their congregations about conduct and poise in worshipping our Creator.
Every song has different meanings and representations. When selecting a song, make sure you spend time finding scriptures one or two that represent the meaning of the song. Introduce that scripture as you exalt during your praise and worship it also give the song a deeper meaning and sensitivity to the word of God.
Invite the congregation to participate not by honing or demanding rather tell them the reasons for celebrating Christ with the gestures that we often use, clapping, dancing, raising our hands and bowing before His majesty…
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Clapping/raising hands- Psalms 47:1, “clap your hands all ye nations and shout to God with cries of joy” When we raise our hands we are telling God how humble we are. We are crying to his mercy – Psalms 28:1 "Hear my cry of mercy oh lord as I call for help as I lift my hands towards your most holy place".
The upward gestures of the audience or worship leader raising their hands strongly suggest that we as Christians acknowledge that God lives within the heavens and is looking down upon us daily as we worship Him. The heavens always is referred to as a skyward experience, a perfect dwelling place after death or the rapture were men of all nations will join the elders and the angles of the heavens to worship God in the splendor of His Glory.
We clap our hands in appreciation, in acclamation or agreeing that we acknowledge God in praise for what is being said via the messages of the songs we sing. Nehemiah 8:6 tell us that “ Ezra praised the Lord the great God and the people raised their hands and responded Amen. They bowed and worshipped the Lord with all their hearts.
Drawn art to God-
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Dancing- dancing, which is clearly described as rhythmic-tic moves performing steps or tunes by the body as we jump, and swerve around in our varied interpretations to a song or sound of a music. It is an opportunity for our flesh to be humbled responding to God and what the message of the music evokes in or worship to God. David the psalmist says to Michal “so I will act like a fool to show my joy to the lord… 2Sammuel 6:5 and 22. In 5 it says "David and all the people of Israel were celebrating before the LORD with all their might, singing songs* and playing all kinds of musical instruments--lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals. 21 David retorted to Michal, "I was dancing before the LORD, who chose me above your father and his family! He appointed me as the leader of Israel,the people of the LORD. So I am willing to act like a fool in order to show my joy in the LORD.” This experience through the dance of David showed that he was a grateful soul and was willing to be mocked, criticized, and shrugged, even if man looked at him with contempt because he was going crazy in dance before the ark of God. In other interpretations he beat his body in submission to God for his kindness and goodness in his life.
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Bowing before the Lord – when we plunge our bodies forward and tilt our head downward, we are yielding to the power and presence of God. Being the king of all kings God’s presence is respected when we worship him in this manner.
God’s holiness and presence is the basis of our worship hence when we bow down we reverence and show our gratitude because God is worthy of our praise and worship.
As worship leaders we teach the congregation these things that they too may be comfortable to worship God freely in the beauty of His holiness. Another tip that a worshipper must employ is keeping a direct focus in the task that we are afforded. We are not called to entertain rather we are there to guide the congregation to a place where they may have an encounter with God through worship. In order to maintain this focus as the worship leader we just need to be genuine and keep in mind that prayer is the power that will help your worship. The worship leader needs to maintain a prayerful life least they fall into a place of possessiveness, pride and insecurities and trying to outdo others that are on the team. Always remember that you all are a team and are on the same side. The side that you are on is to participate as a collective whole and bring mankind to the recognition of God’s saving knowledge through worship.
It is my hope that these tip-s where helpful. However, the first and foremost thing is to understand your congregation and the team that you lead. Discuss with your church leaders before implementing these tips because every ministry differs in how they present themselves in worship to our God although we all share these common gestures. As a worship leader myself I believe it is important that we understand what they are and why we do them. Come back for more on dealing with your peers on the team as worshipers, time management and understanding how worshipping fulfills your mind as a believer.
Catherine K.
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